среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Top 6 comfortable and attractive hairstyles for the heat

Топ-6 удобных и привлекательных причесок для жары
The main requirements for hairstyles for hot summer is that they must be comfortable and attractive at the same time. Fortunately, today fashion offers us a wide choice of options for any taste and length of hair. We suggest you look at some of them.

1. The node
Previously were in fashion bunches. Even today, they have not lost their relevance, but now, along with them, there are also extremely fashionable knots that contradict all the rules, but nevertheless, like many. A great solution for a hot summer day.

2. Negligent waves
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Very simple and versatile hair style. Such waves can be worn for every day, as well as for some social event. And they can be done in a few minutes by means of a curling iron or a thin comb.

Users also read: Best styling with braids and pigtails
3. Ordinary braid
Spit today you can wear at any time of the year, both for long hair, and for short. Let a few strands get out of your braids, which will make the image easier, summer and free.

4. Wet effect
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This is a very simple summer hairstyle, which is also done in a few minutes. You can comb your hair back: this image of a summer mermaid will not leave you unattended. In addition, you will not be afraid to damage your hair.

5. Spit on the bangs
If you wear a long side bangs, and in summer it causes you some discomfort, then simply twist the side curl into a small light braid: you will immediately become visually younger, and feel comfortable.

6. Various accessories
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Summer involves the active use of accessories for hair. These are bandages, ribbons, bows and much more, on the basis of what you can create the most atypical and stylish summer options.

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