среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to care for colored hair

How to care for colored hair 5 5 1
Как ухаживать за цветными волосами
Colored hair in the last couple of seasons just blew fashionable Olympus. Blue, pink, blue, orange, or several colors on one beautiful head at once - than just do not adorn themselves with fashionistas now. But, if you decide to change the color of your hair to a bright rainbow or have already done it, you need to understand that such locks inevitably need special care, thorough and thoughtful. How to care for colored hair, so that they pleased you not only with color, but also with the condition?

The main problem of colored hair is a quickly washable color. In the beginning, it can become less bright, and then it gradually disappears. Also such dyes dry hair. To avoid such problems, follow the tips below.

1. Apply proper shampoos
To prevent rapid color washout, choose shampoos that do not contain components such as SLS and SLeS. Let the surfactants in the shampoos be as soft as possible. Then they will not act aggressively on the hair, and the color will last as long as possible.

2. Cautiously with oils
Although the oils take care of the hair and restore it, it is better for the owners of colored strands to choose shampoos and balms without their presence. The fact is that they wash out the paint very quickly. And the oil paints themselves are best not to use, carefully read the composition of each product in order to choose the most suitable.

8 things to note about hair care
3. Color must be updated regularly
For obvious reasons. Once a week, try to add a little dye to the hair mask that you usually use. Apply it, hold for 10 minutes, and then rinse. This will enable you to maintain the desired shade.

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4. Lamination
This procedure, like lamination, helps protect both the hair itself and their color. It eliminates the negative effect of the external environment, hard water, which we wash my head, thermal action, styling means. Lamination will give the hair a healthy appearance and stunning shine, and just help keep the shade for a long time. The best option is to do it right after staining.

5. Moistening
Since the color inks dry your hair, you need to regularly moisturize them. This is especially important in the summer, because in this period, many other factors also drain our curls. Do moisturizing masks, it is also important to drink a sufficient amount of liquid. It is also good that oils are rarely used in moisturizing hair.

6. Protect the curls from the sun
To ensure that your strands are as bright and healthy as possible for longer, it is important to provide them with reliable protection from the sun's rays. Get a hair spray with a sun protection factor and use it regularly.

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