понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

How to save the beauty of the skin for a long time?

Как сберечь красоту кожи надолго?
Our face is our business card, therefore, every self-respecting woman must certainly follow the beauty of the skin, so that she retains her beauty, youth and health for a long time. And although the factors that have a very negative impact on her condition, many, we can cope with this if we make an effort. Using the following simple rules, you can easily deceive the years and extend such a desired youth. So, what are we going to do for this?
1. Proper care
Of course, skin care is the basis of everything. Regular cleansing, nourishment and hydration do their job. Very good tools - folk, for example, masks made from natural ingredients or vegetable oils. Do not forget to take off makeup, use only high-quality cosmetics and sometimes let the skin at all from her relax.
2. Fighting facial wrinkles
In addition to static - permanent wrinkles, there are also mimic, called dynamic, which can appear at a very early age. Initially, they are noticeable only when a person blinks, smiles or grimaces. However, over time, they can be transformed into permanent wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to part with the habit of squinting and frowning. In sunny weather, be sure to wear glasses that will help to eliminate the negative effect.
3. Abandonment of bad habits
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The damage to smoking is still underestimated, and in vain, because tobacco smoke has a negative impact not only on health, but also on the skin - this is a dull shade, and wrinkles, and premature aging. Yes, and alcohol is not a positive action - it greatly dehydrates the skin, which causes it to wilt.
4. Useful liquid
To cope with dehydration and aging, you need to drink as much plain water as possible, preferably this amount should be at least 2 liters . It's about water, not about coffee, juice or sodas. All the models and actresses know about the valuable features of water. For example, the beautiful Sophia Loren, who in her venerable age will give odds to any girl, not only drinks a lot of water, but also immerses her face in an icy liquid, which helps tighten the skin.
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5. Proper nutrition
What we eat is reflected not only on our figure, but also on the face. To the skin for a long time to retain its beauty, it is necessary to eat only natural products that do not contain preservatives. We must abandon fast food, semi-finished products, minimize baking and confectionery. Useful for the skin products include fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products, fish. They contain many valuable vitamins and minerals, which are extremely valuable for the health and beauty of the skin of the face, and not only for it.
6. Protection from the sun
It has long been proven that the excessive exposure to sunlight significantly aging the skin. Therefore it is very important to protect it from this. Try not to be in the sun at the peak of its activity - between 10 and 16 hours, use protective equipment, wear glasses and a hat. Lovers of the solarium should also be careful and use it at the maximum moderately and cautiously.
7. Be careful with diets
To which we just do not go for our own beauty. However, some methods should be avoided, and first of all it is necessary to include rigid diets. Sharp weight loss promotes sagging of the skin and its premature aging. Another argument against diets is that the body may not receive many useful elements, and as a result, the skin also suffers. It is better to stick to proper nutrition and exercise - then everything will be fine: your facial skin, figure, mood and self-esteem.

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