вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

New trends in hair care

Новые тренды в уходе за волосами
Hair care is our female sacred duty. The length, density and general condition of our curls depends on how well we use the quality tools, how correctly we clean them and how we regularly conduct the necessary procedures. Note also that the hair care industry is also subject to fashion trends: there are different procedures, adaptations that make it easier for us to care for them. What new trends in the hair care industry are offered to us now?

1. Natural Oils
Their popularity is growing and growing. It's like vegetable oils in its pure form, often used in hair care, such as olive, almond, etc., and the latest developments in the beauty industry. The first help to ensure hair quality moisturizing and nutrition, while the latter give them a well-groomed appearance and are often used for styling.

2. Scrubs for scalp
For some reason, regularly exfoliating the skin of the face and body, we often forget to provide the same to our scalp. At the same time, scrubs and peels are a kind of massage for her, they eliminate dead cells and balances for styling, and also promote hair growth. Such scrubs can be done by themselves or bought in ready-made form. They are very useful, but do not resort to them more than once a week.

3. Dry shampoo
Very indispensable in the absence of time. Well, or if you turned off the water at home. Dry shampoo gives dirty hair a well-groomed look, gives volume and the correct structure. Although dry shampoos - a very good option in many cases, it is unlikely they will ever be able to replace us with a simple shampoo: they only create the effect of clean and well-groomed hair.

4. The co-voshing
9 things to do about haircuts
Under this strange term for us is the washing of hair through an air conditioner. It acts on the hair softer than the shampoo, and does not dry them. Having decided to try co-voshing, carefully choose the conditioner: it should not contain itself silicones and sulfates. In addition, this method is suitable for women with dry hair, but not fat.

5. Tangle Teezer comb
The condition of the hair depends in part on the comb that we use. Thinking about it, the hairdresser Sean Pi created this innovative comb. Its advantages are that its teeth are made of soft plastic and are positioned in such a way that it is easy to comb even very tangled hair without hurting them. Also this comb is suitable for combing wet hair. Many stars have already evaluated it.

6. Invisibobble hair elastic
Looks like a phone cord eraser has already managed to conquer the world, the reasons for which quite a lot. She treats her hair very carefully, leaving no creases on them and not pulling them together. The elastic is made of silicone, because it does not get wet, it is convenient to use for hiking in the pool and on the beach. Also, such gum is extremely durable. If they stretch, it is enough just to lower them into boiling water, and they will be restored.

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