вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

We treat split hair independently

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In many women, we can observe very beautiful and healthy hair, which, however, have one, but a serious drawback - split ends. It is difficult to recognize when they appear, therefore, when they are already there, the locks may look untidy, and it is clear that this problem needs to be addressed.
How to care for split hair
Fortunately, there is a sufficiently large number of methods that enable us to cope with this problem. First of all, you should go to the salon and cut off your hair a little. Here you can be offered a useful procedure for cutting hot scissors, the essence of which is that the ends of the hair are sealed, and no longer split. Also, such procedures as thermal hair restoration, their glazing and lamination may be appropriate.
But, alas, it's not so simple. It is important to understand what became the root cause of the fact that the locks began to break and crack. That's why competent care for them is important. To prevent this unpleasant situation, use the following methods:

- Before you wash your hair, apply the hair (or rather, at their ends) castor, burdock or olive oil. Keep it for half an hour, then wash your head in the easiest way. The bottom line is that shampoos, which we often use, drastically dry hair. And if the roots of the water-fat balance is restored independently, then this does not happen in the tips, and as a result, they begin to be cut off. Oil does not wash the shampoo, and it remains on the hair, providing them with a healthy diet.

- do not need to rub the wet hair with a towel - just a little bit of it get wet. By the way, experts recommend to abandon terry towels, and use a light satin fabric. After a couple of months of its application, the hair will become much smoother, healthier and silky.

- it is desirable to use the hair dryer less often. But if there is such a need, then use the cold air mode. Hot streams strongly dry hair and often cause their fragility.
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- To comb the locks is also worth careful. And it is better to use a comb, since a classic brush often traumatizes locks, especially in the process of sudden movements, and if they are thin.

- Before applying the styling products, to go out into the sun or bathe in the sea (pool), put on hair protective equipment. The above factors can also severely injure the hair.
Home remedies
In order to successfully prevent the split ends in the home , you can apply a mask: mix 2 teaspoons of olive oil and half the crushed avocado. Apply on hair for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
Another good remedy is coconut oil. It can be used for the washed ends after washing, when they have already dried up. It has a "sealing" effect and does not allow hair to lose its nutrients. The only caveat: use it in small doses so as not to provoke excessive fatty hair.

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