вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

Several lifhaks for smooth hair

Несколько лайфхаков для гладкости волос
Practically for every woman the concept of well-groomed hair assumes also their ideal smoothness. And really, smooth and silky waterfalls of hair - what could be more beautiful? Unfortunately, regular thermal exposure, improper care and various environmental factors spoil the structure of the hair, making it porous. To restore smoothness to your hair, take into account a few tips below.

1. The right tools
Successful cosmetics for hair care - the first and chief assistant. Pay attention to professional means for smoothness of hair, including proteins and silicone, which smooth out the scales and return to the hair a smooth structure. In addition to the set for the smoothness of hair, we advise you to apply and nutrients that can alternate with the first. Try sometimes to change cosmetics, as hair gets used to certain means and can not show any results.

2. A good comb
When choosing a comb, pay attention to the shape of her teeth, which can, how to iron your hair, and raise them, preventing smoothness and giving an inaccurate look. Use only quality combs with the correct form, made on the basis of quality materials.

3. Application of oils
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Natural oils - a simple and very effective method to restore the smoothness of the curls. Take a rule once a week to make a mask with coconut oil (alternatively - with shea butter). To do this, melt the butter in a water bath, apply it to the hair and wash it off with a shampoo after a couple of hours. Coconut oil is good because it not only masks the problems externally, but also works to remove them from the inside. Regular use of such masks will make your hair no worse than the incredible strands of beauties from the covers of the magazine.

4. Keratin straightening
This is the most radical method to make the hair perfectly smooth and even for at least a few months. The effectiveness of the procedure is determined by a special composition penetrating deep into the structure of the hair and filling its voids, thereby smoothing the scales. After the procedure, your hair will immediately become smooth, straight and healthy both from the outside and from the inside. Once a few months to maintain the effect of the procedure will need to be repeated. In order for the procedure to ensure the proper result, and not to spoil the hair, a qualitative composition and professionalism of the master is needed.

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