вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

Best hairstyles under the hat

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Winter is becoming a stress for women in many ways. One of the reasons for this is our hair, which not only suffers from strong winds and extremely low temperatures, but also does not like the neighborhood with a cap spoiling almost any hairstyle. And if everything is relatively simple with short hair, then long locks and strands of medium length require a more serious approach to them. What hairstyles can I use under the hat?

1. Curls
Elastic curls will look particularly good on medium length hair. They will withstand the deformation due to the cap and will be equally attractive to look like with a romantic beret, and a daring cap-toe. To make such a haircut, wind the strands with a curling rod in different directions and scratch them at the roots. Do not comb them along the length, but just slightly tatter. Secure by means of lacquer or laying spray.

2. Light Negligence
If your hair is short or medium length, try to ruffle them. Particularly well this laying will go to a haircut of a bean or square. And any cap in this case will be appropriate.

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3. Weaving
3 ..
For longer hair, you can try different pigtails and their variations. For example, careless lateral scythe will be very appropriate to look, including with a volumetric cap.

4. Beams and tails
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Depending on the particular headgear, they can be both low and high. Try to leave one or two strands in the face loose or slightly twist them.

5. Volume in the bang zone
If you wear haircuts with bangs, try to create a smooth styling with the maximum amount of bangs. Especially good this option will look with a long and thick bangs, which can be left outside, and the rest of the hair is hidden under the headdress.

How to keep a hairdress under the hat: useful tips
• Do not wear hats on damp hair, as the hair will immediately come and become ugly
• Try not to overload curls with styling. Use a product with a light texture, otherwise the hair under the cap will stick together and look untidy. A good option - a liquid styling spray.
• When laying hair with a hair dryer at the end, be sure to use cold air for them, which will help to better fix the styling.
• After laying, wait for a while and then put on the hat. In addition, the cap itself should also be worn correctly: shift it back from the forehead to give the strands one direction. Fit the bang under the hat.
• When choosing a hat, pay attention to models that can not spoil your hair. A good choice will be free styles, such as berets with volume, caps of large mating. It is better to use natural materials that will not allow constant sweating of the head. Their lining should also not be synthetic.

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