вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

How to get rid of hair loss?

Как избавиться о выпадения волос?
Strong hair loss is a phenomenon that never occurs just like that. It can be a symptom of serious health problems, both mental and physical. If you notice a strong loss of hair, you first need to understand its cause, undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with specialists. Quite a lot of procedures against hair loss, we offer modern beauty salons. The most important thing that is worth noting: the fight against this problem should be comprehensive, including adjusting the diet, restoring emotional health, scalp massage, various masks, and eliminating factors that damage the hair and scalp. What should I do to combat the problem?

1. Diet
You need to lean on cottage cheese, eggs, seafood, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Weak hair needs vitamins and proteins, iron and calcium. Also try to add to the diet flaxseed or olive oil and pick up for yourself the proper vitamin and mineral complex.

2. Emotional Balance
Regular stress, lack of sleep and fatigue have a negative effect on the state of the whole organism. Hair is no exception: they become brittle and dull, and they start to fall out. If your beauty and health are dear to you, then, whatever it is, try to provide yourself with a full sleep, relaxation and relaxation. Also, regular sports, yoga and meditation will not be superfluous.

3. Scalp massage
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It activates blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. Massage carefully: either with hands or with a neat comb with denticles rounded at the ends. For the massage will be irreplaceable vegetable oils, such as castor, burdock, olive, cedar and many others. They can be combined with essential oils.
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4. Careful care
If your hair falls out, then try to exclude all traumatic procedures such as hairdryer, curling iron and ironing, hard shampoos and combs. Also, try not to use too tight elastic bands, do not wear tight headgear and protect your hair from strong frost and direct sun rays.

5. Masks
Masks for hair based on natural ingredients are excellent methods to correct the health of the curls. There are many recipes, but the most popular ingredients are the same oils, different types of clay, honey, egg yolks, kefir, aloe juice and so on.

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