вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

5 tips on how to restore hair

5 tips on how to restore hair 5 5 1
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What woman would not want to have gorgeous hair? In pursuit of beauty, we curl them, straighten them, subject them to high temperatures, chemical methods of packing ... At first this does not affect but the health of the hair, at least visually. But after a few months of such experiments with hair, you can see that their condition has significantly deteriorated. They became dry, brittle, lost their shine and strength, the tips became very severely cut ... How to restore hair, restore their former beauty? Read below!
1. The first thing to do is, of course, to abandon the use of thermal instruments for hair styling.   All ployki, ironing have a very detrimental effect on the structure of the hair, destroying it. The consequences of using these devices will become even clearer if you do not follow the temperature regime. Often we expose the maximum temperature or close to the maximum without even thinking about how harmful it is. If you can not completely abandon the use of curling iron or ironing, try, at least, to lay your hair with them as little as possible. In doing so, use a thermal protective agent that slightly neutralizes the harmful effects of high temperatures. Make sure that the hair before the styling is completely dry. It is inadmissible to lay even slightly damp hair.
2. Choose the right care. You should choose a special restorative care for damaged hair. It's good if the shampoo components are the most natural. Be careful that it does not include silicones - they only worsen the condition of the hair, drying them.
3. Try not to wash your head more than twice a week. Despite the fact that on the shelves you can find shampoos that are suitable for daily use, so say the manufacturers, yet washing your head is often not recommended. If your hair gets dirty not so fast to wash them every day, it's better not to do it. The exception is the hair that fats very quickly.
4. Feed your hair with masks. It is not necessary to buy expensive tools in the store, masks. Moreover, that in their composition still includes chemistry. It is better to prepare restoring masks at home, from natural products. A perfect companion for dry, brittle hair is coconut oil. It is cheap, but the benefits of it - the sea! It can be used as a mask for hair. Apply a little steam-heated oil to your scalp and hair, wrap your head in a towel and go to bed. In the morning, wash your head as usual. The oil is washed off very easily, gives hair shine, nourishes them, and also removes dryness of the scalp. An ideal care product!
10 tips for those who dream of long hair
Read also: Best autumn hair masks at home
5. Wash the hair properly. Damaged hair should be washed very carefully - they can not be rubbed, twisted, carelessly wiped with a towel. Treat them very carefully. The temperature of the water for washing should not be high. Wash your hair in warm water, and it's best to rinse dry ends with cool water at all.
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Thanks to such simple rules, after a while you will notice a positive result!

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