вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

Hair care during pregnancy and after childbirth

Уход за волосами в период беременности и после родов
Pregnant girls are proud of beautiful hair, and after the birth, everything changes not for the better. What is the reason? During pregnancy, hormones are activated in the body of the woman, helping to endure the baby. Their side effect is very wonderful - protection of hair from loss, their strengthening. It is because of hormones that the pregnant women's hair looks so perfect. But after birth, hormones begin to return to normal, and hair thinning. Some women are very noticeable. You can run for expensive special shampoos and masks from hair loss. But they are unlikely to help. Hair loss will end quickly, and your hair will recover itself. Soon you will again enjoy your magnificent hair.

Hair washing
Pregnant, you may find that your usual and favorite shampoo is no longer suitable. Hormones also affect the scalp: oily skin can become dry, and vice versa. Wash your hair as it gets dirty, and not as you used to before pregnancy.
A haircut
On the haircut during pregnancy, the opinions are strongly divided. Some people believe that pregnant women can not be cut for anything, but they can not explain why. Others consider this an absurd superstition. Act as you see fit, but know - scientific confirmation that pregnant women can not be sheared, no.
10 tips for those who dream of long hair
For a long time there was a ban on hair coloring, very reasonable. After all, the composition of paints usually included harmful ammonia. But if you choose a safe paint without ammonia, nothing terrible will happen. However, get ready for a surprise: it happens that the structure of hair changes in pregnant women, and the result of staining may not meet your expectations. It is also recommended to use harmless natural dyes: basma or henna, depending on the color of the hair.
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From such a procedure during pregnancy and breast-feeding the baby should be discarded. The wavy mixture itself is quite dangerous, and in this important period of your life it's generally better not to risk your health.
Pregnant and lactating women should not abuse the means for styling. Instead of spraying your hair with varnish, use foam to avoid inhaling volatile hazardous substances.
Masks and massages
But from natural home or salon masks do not refuse, pamper yourself. Regular care with oils and plant extracts will strengthen hair and correct problems such as fragility and dry hair. Head massage also has a positive effect on health, improving the circulation of the scalp.
Fighting dandruff
Pregnant women often have such an unpleasant problem as dandruff - due to hormonal failures, decreased immunity and improper hair cosmetics. Therefore, do not immediately use shampoos for dandruff - first try another shampoo and add to the diet of vitamins. If it does not help, contact a dermatologist, tell him about your pregnancy, so that safe means can be found for you. Do not self-medicate.

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