вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

The best autumn hair masks at home

The best autumn hair masks at home 5 5 1
Лучшие осенние маски для волос в домашних условиях
In the autumn, our hair is particularly in need of quality care and nutrition from the inside. Basic ingredients for simple, affordable and at the same time highly effective masks we can find in any supermarket. Choose recipes that you like, and boldly please them with your curls.

1. Mask of avocado
Stir the crushed pulp halves of avocado and a few drops of peppermint oil. Apply this mixture to clean hair and hold for fifteen minutes. Wash off. The mask provides softness and silky softness to the locks, and peppermint in its composition actively stimulates their growth.

2. Banana mask
Turn one banana in puree, add a tablespoon of olive oil to it and mix it. Apply on hair and wash off after thirty minutes with shampoo. Banana together with the oil makes the hair shiny, soft and supple.

3. Pumpkin Mask
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For this recipe, you need to mix pumpkin puree and a couple of spoons of honey, so that a uniform mass is formed. Apply this mass to the hair and scalp, top the plastic cap and hold it for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. The pumpkin contains vitamins A and C, helping our hair to recover.
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4. Mask of vinegar
A teaspoon of vinegar is diluted with half a glass of water and add a couple of drops of oil to neutralize the pungent smell. Hold on the hair for five minutes, then rinse well with shampoo. Vinegar helps to give the hair smoothness and beautiful healthy shine.

5. Mask of mountain ash
Take a hundred grams of mountain ash, whisk in a blender, apply to the roots of hair, gently rubbing. Warm your head with a towel and hold for 30-40 minutes. After rinse, apply your standard shampoo and conditioner. Rowan contains amino acids that help to remove the remnants of fat and dirt, dandruff and strengthen hair. And organic acids give the curls a beautiful shine.

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