суббота, 6 января 2018 г.

How to prolong youth: proper skin care

Как продлить молодость: правильный уход за кожей
To preserve the youth of our skin is one of the main goals of all women. Of course, I want to do this without Botox, braces and other "artificial" methods. Basically, the condition of our skin is determined by our way of life and by the care we give to it. Not so long ago, scientists named five main factors that significantly age our skin. Read them and try to look after the skin correctly, and then you will be able to extend such a cherished youth.

1. There is no perspiration
When we strongly sweat, the skin initially loses its moisture. At the same time, the disturbed water-salt balance of its upper layer is not restored immediately. This causes dry skin and wrinkles. Therefore, try to dress so that the sweat does not flow "into three streams." It is also very important to protect the skin from the sun, as the latter can greatly overdry it. Avoid it is not necessary, just try to use protective equipment and remember that everything is good in moderation.
2. Use the right makeup
Previously, the most dangerous substances, which are contained in decorative cosmetics and body care products, were parabens. However, new research has shown that propylene glycol also has significant harm. This compound is a part of many creams and lotions, and thus it obviously accelerates the aging process of the skin. Before buying any remedy, carefully study its label. And try to use the most natural cosmetics.
3. Control the power supply
6 habits that adversely affect our skin
One of the recent studies has shown that the more a person consumes sweets and flour, the faster his skin loses youth and elasticity. And it's not just that these products are stored in fat. The bottom line is that foods that contain many simple carbohydrates create glycation reactions between molecules, and as a result, the level of collagen and elasticity and the skin is clearly reduced. Therefore, dear ladies, if you want to remain young and slender for as long as possible, you will have to cut back on the number of sweets in the diet. But protein foods and plant foods should be the basis of your diet.
5 things to do
4. Use funds for your age
Many women are accustomed to what is called "preparing a sleigh from the summer", and in their 25 they use anti-aging drugs that are designed for women about ten years older. At the same time, the skin, which is not supported by its age, will, on the contrary, grow old as soon as possible. Remember that at every age, skin care methods are different. At the age of 25 years, you can do with tonics and moisturizing creams. In 35, you can replenish your cosmetic bag with nourishing creams and anti-stress cosmetics. But serious lifting and anti-wrinkle creams should be used after 40.
5. Watch for emotions
In the process of how we get angry, we fight in hysterics or just fall into depression, a lot of histamine substance enters the blood. It is he who provokes a rush of blood to the face and even an itchy sensation that manifests itself on the nerves. In addition, this tool provokes allergic reactions, and therefore anti-allergy drugs are called antihistamines. It also causes skin inflammation and destruction of the cell matrix. Therefore, those ladies who want to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, you need to learn to control their emotions, include positive and smile more. And then your skin will certainly thank you for it.

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