суббота, 6 января 2018 г.

5 secrets of perfectly clean skin

5 секретов идеально чистой кожи
In most cases, problem skin is the prerogative of adolescents, but it happens that even adult girls suffer from the presence of pimples, acne, redness and other troubles on the skin of the face. In most cases, this is due to improper skin care and in the wrong way of life. Want to have perfect skin and its beautiful, healthy hue? Then use the following tips.

1. Regular cleansing
If the skin is not properly cleaned, or it does not happen as often as needed, the pores become clogged, sebum accumulates, and this leads to its significant problem. Remember that you need to wash your skin with warm water at least twice a day, and preferably after each arrival home from the street. Hot and cold water too dry the skin, so it's best to use room temperature. Means for washing in any case should not be a normal soap, since the latter catastrophically dries the skin. Use cleansers from professional skin care lines that fit your age. Good means are those that contain vegetable oils, cucumber juice, lemon juice, green tea extract - natural remedies that have a wonderful effect. And, of course, we remember the main rule: makeup for the night needs to be removed ALWAYS!

2. Moistening
To the skin does not give you unpleasant surprises, it needs to be moistened. To do this, use moisturizing special products that should not contain alcohol. If you use creams, then choose a product with a light foundation that does not weight the skin. Indispensable attributes for summer skin care are cleansing napkins and thermal water, which at any time helps moisturize the skin and eliminate the unpleasant sensations that cause a high temperature.

3. Proper use of the sun
Read also: TOP-6 myths about the appearance of acne
The sun is a good friend of our skin. It nicely dries all the flaws and helps it to become cleaner and smoother. But remember is another thing: in the absence of sufficient protection, the skin's reaction to the sun's rays may not be the most positive. Therefore, always use protective products for the skin of the face. It is also good if in the summer, your foundation and powder will have a sun protection factor. Before going to the beach, experts recommend drinking a glass of carrot or orange juice - so sunburn will not only be smooth and beautiful, but will be as safe as possible for your body.
6 habits that adversely affect our skin

4. Lifestyle
They say that the state of the woman's face can be used to understand the way she lives. Night festivities with regular use of alcohol are read in your dim color and all sorts of defects. Be sure to get enough sleep, give up bad habits, play sports, which is also very useful for the skin, as it activates blood circulation.

5. Competent diet
There are foods that inevitably lead to the appearance of acne. These are our favorite cakes, chocolate and various fast food. It is desirable to refuse them, and your face and figure will thank you for this. At the same time, there are products that are indispensable for good skin. This is a variety of fruits and vegetables, which need to consume at least five servings per day, as well as protein foods and foods that contain useful fats, such as fish or nuts. It is also very important to drink the right liquids. The most useful of them is ordinary clean water, as well as green and herbal teas. But it's better not to abuse coffee, since it can not have a better effect on the skin.

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