пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

9 causes of skin irritation and how to deal with them

9 causes of skin irritation and how to deal with them 5 5 2
9 причин раздражения кожи и как с ними бороться
Irritation, which periodically appears on our skin, is usually caused by a breach of the protective layer, which consists of flat scales of corneocytes and gluing lipids and prevents from getting microbes, water loss, mechanical damage and free radicals. It happens that the reasons for this condition of the skin lie on the gene level, and it is impossible to cure this. But most often this sensitivity is caused by external and internal factors, which we can quite influence. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Stress
In addition to mechanical damage, the psychological condition affects our appearance. From chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, the body produces cortisol, which helps reduce immunity, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and digestive problems. And yet this stress hormone leads to the fact that the skin is more slowly renewed and produces less fat. To cope with this problem, you need 15 minutes a day to practice yoga, meditation or go for massages.

2. Free radicals
Free radicals also contribute to damage to skin cells. As a result, it is worse restored and protects from damage. To neutralize them, you need to use vitamin E, which is contained in many vegetable oils, for example, sunflower or almond.

3. Aggressive environment
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Dust, gases, aerosols, air conditioners, tobacco smoke and other contaminants produce free radicals and make the skin vulnerable to inflammation, which makes it reddened and dehydrated. Avoiding them is unlikely to work, but soft cleansing of the skin 2 times a day and creams with soothing and protective properties will help to smooth out this effect. In this case, it is better to give preference to neutral formulas with natural components in closed opaque packages with minimal air access.

4. Power
Dermatologists believe that you should not discount the influence of nutrition on the skin condition. After all, products can also be triggers for exacerbation, and sometimes manifestations of irritation and atopic dermatitis. And although each person has his own, some groups of products provoke irritation with a greater probability than others, for example, citrus fruits, spices and nuts. And some antihistamine diets perfectly treat dermatitis. If you notice that from the meal your skin turns red and irritates, then it makes sense to keep a diary in which to fix the foods eaten during the day. This will help you understand what causes you such a reaction, and what products are better to exclude from your diet.

5. Cleansing
Cleansing is one of the most traumatic procedures for the skin, but it is necessary in order to wash off the face cosmetics, street dust, sweat and excess fat. Many agents wash away from the skin not only "unnecessary", but also fats, from which its protective barrier is built. If it is systematically broken, it will make the skin dry and provoke irritation. Many people still believe that skin, especially fat, needs to be cleansed "to the squeak". But it is the "scratch" that indicates that you overdid with purification. Therefore, even if your skin is oily and problematic, it needs a gentle cleansing, after which there is no sensation of dryness and tightness.
Read also: What should not be in the composition of hypoallergenic cosmetics?

6. Hot water
A long hot shower perfectly relaxes and warms, but, alas, the skin does not work in the best way. Hot water itself rinses dirt and grease off the skin well enough, and with soap and shower gels based on aggressive detergent ingredients like SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) dehydrates it, provokes itching and flaking. British dermatologist Sam Banting advises to reduce the time in the shower to 5 minutes and immediately after it, without waiting for the skin to dry completely, apply moisturizing and nutritious means. This will help to keep water in the epidermis and relieve the unpleasant sensation of dryness. It is also better to use shower gels with mild detergent and moisturizing ingredients, which are less dried due to sparing cleansing ingredients and generally soft formulations.

7. Medicines
Medicines also do not have the best effect on the skin condition. For example, in the treatment of severe acne stages, isotretinoin is used, which can cause dryness and reactivity of the skin. The same goes for surface preparations. They treat, but do not look after. As a consequence, pores can clog, irritation and tightness may appear. The aggressive action of these drugs can be mitigated with the help of gentle skin care. It is important that caregivers do not conflict with medical. Prefer drugs that do not contain basic substances such as vitamin C, retinoids and acids.

8. Excessive exfoliation
Exfoliation is an important part of care, thanks to which the skin gets rid of dead cells. But in the case of sensitive skin, it is very easy to overdo and damage the stratum corneum, a skin protective layer that does not allow the penetration of unnecessary substances into the skin. Complete disposal of it increases susceptibility and sensitivity. If you encounter this, it is better not to use exfoliating agents for a while, including brushes and sponges, and restore yourself. Also, try to minimize the amount of cosmetics and leave only cleansing, as well as moisturizing. In this case, the means for washing should be soft, and the cream should contain reducing and protective components: vegetable oils, ceramides, waxes.

9. Pregnancy
It's not a secret that during pregnancy with women there are many hormonal, immune and metabolic changes. And the skin is no exception. Some people are lucky, and their skin gets better, but most do not. In addition, after birth, hormonal changes are also accompanied by a chronic lack of sleep. Usually doctors forbid during pregnancy and feeding to use cosmetics with active ingredients and odors that can cause allergies. Therefore, cosmetics for sensitive skin in this case will have to come in handy. She will not get rid of problems, but will improve the skin condition.

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